

I just sent this off Washington.  Maybe it will help. I figure it can't
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July 31, 1996

The Honorable Richard K. Armey         The Honorable Michael Bilirakis
The Honorable Thomas J. Bliley           The Honorable Thomas D. Delay
The Honorable Jack Fields                   The Honorable Newt Gingrich


By now  many of you should have received hundreds perhaps thousands of
letters and post cards about HR 1462 the Morris K. Udall bill for
Parkinsons research. I have traveled to Washington three times in the
past year pleading for support of this bill. I have never asked my
government for anything and certainly never dreamed that I would need
its help to the extent that I now do. My wife has suffered from
Parkinson’s Disease for 21 very long years. That is longer than most of
you have been in congress.

Together we have battled this lousy disease as long as anybody that we
know. We fought most of that battle on our own while hoping and praying
for a miracle. Despite three brain surgeries, and abdominal surgery to
transplant her adrenal gland into her brain we have only succeeded in
maintaining the barest quality of life for my wife Nancy.  Now at age
51 after twenty-one years of fighting hoping and praying for a cure we
see an opportunity to cure this disease close at hand. With a grass
roots effort we have secured enough cosponsors in the house and senate,
naively thinking that would get the bill moving. The Senate Labor and
Human Resources committee recently unanimously approved and included
this bill in the NIH Revitalization Bill. This gives Nancy and me hope
for one more and perhaps final shot at living out the remaining days of
our lives with some semblance of normalcy, whatever that might be in
today’s times.

Recently I was informed that the House, even with a clear majority of
congressman agreeing to sponsor this bill, will not get to it in this
session. I am told the House has been too busy and has fallen way
behind in their work plans. While I can relate to falling and slowness
and tremor and much more in a parkinsonian, I really struggle when I
hear our elected officials most of whom are healthy, hearty intelligent
and educated men and women are falling behind and slow to get this bill

Every ten minutes someone else in America is diagnosed with Parkinson’s
Disease. Every ten minutes and entire family is panicked by what they
quickly learn about this disease. I know!  I have been the recipient of
calls from husbands, wives, sons, daughters and recently parents of
those afflicted. These anguished calls of course come with more
questions than we have answers for. When I mention the potential of the
Udall bill, the conversation changes from one of despair to one of
hope. You now possess the power to fulfill that hope.

Parkinson’s has been under funded for years. You can correct that now
while taking a huge stride toward  reducing the federal deficit at the
same time.  We are asking for $100 million. That is less than $100 per
person afflicted far short of AIDS and other well publicized diseases.
And a relatively small investment for a potential savings of $26
billion per year.

 Please put this bill on your agenda early in September. Each day you
delay, 150 more people are afflicted.  Please help us!

Robert A. (Bob) Martone