

Friends: this message just sent to rep. Bilirakis, who may by now have left
D.C.--hope he gets it eventually!  Camilla and Peter
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Dear Rep. Bilirakis,  we join the many others in the community of those
Americans who suffer from Parkinson's disease in being upset by the recent
treatment one of our members received from one of your aides. We understand
that Ms. Patricia DeLoatche answered a telephone call from Mr. Ivan Suzman re:
the Udall bill and our need to have it sent to the floor of the House as soon
as possible. We were appalled to learn that Ms.DeLoatche hung up on him, and
when he called back to ask, politely, when might be a good time for him to call
when she was more free, he was told there was no good time!  We have had much
experience with Congresspersoms and their aides over the years, and have
always been met with courtesy, even if the subject we wanted to discuss was
low on his/her aganda.  Thus, we found it unforgivable that a concerned
citizen, who was seeking to exchange views on a what is to us a life and
death matter, was treated so rudely.  Surely this is not the image you wish
 your office to project.  We sincerely hope that Ms DeLoatche will learn the
proper way to handle calls, even when she may be under pressure . A simple
"can you call at such and such a time" would have been sufficient!
Sioncerely, Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Flintermann, Oxford,OH,(whose Rep.Boehner
always responds respectfully, even when we disagree.)