

Dear Barbara,

I received a message last week from a Kevin Mahoney of MA. His situation
seems to be more relevent to yours.
My brain injury was a one time event. In other words, I am not going to get
any worse, (Lucky me).
However, your condition sounds like Kevin's illness. CO poisoning over a long
period of time, which led to damage of the substancia nigra(SP?). I am not
sure exactly how the damage works, but it somehow ended in his contracting
the disease. I don't claim to be a Parkinson's expert, so I listen to my
doctors when they tell me that I have Parkinson's syndrome, not PD.
If I am wrong, I would love to hear from you again. If I am right, you may
contact Kevin at  [log in to unmask]

Thank you for responding to my message!

Jacob Drollinger