

I find myself frustrated -- realizing that our Udall bill has the votes
 to pass both the Senate and House -- but only if the legislative
 leaders put the bill on the agenda for floor action.  So why am I
 writing, phoning, and postcarding congress to solicit more
 co-sponsors.  True, more co-sponsors put pressure on the legislative
 leaders, but it seems so indirect.

Then it hits me -- perhaps WE are the only ones who really realize the
 votes are in hand!!  Now I have a new reason to REVISIT those who are
 already co-sponsors and ask them to do MORE!!  The message is simple...

        "The Udall bill has the votes to pass, get it to a floor vote!"

So if you have postcards, write this message on the lefthand side and
 send them to those who are co-sponsors.  Let them know you want more
 than their "YES" vote, you want them to push for a vote.  If you want
 to call, use the Capitol switchboard at 1-800-962-3524 and ask for any

And by the way, while you are in the mood,  send cards and phone calls
 to the following 6 legislative leaders.....

The Honorable Michael Bilrakis, Commerce Committeee,
      2240 Rayburn House Office Bldg, Washington DC 20515

The Honroable Thomas Bliley, Chairman, Commerce Committee,
      2241 Rayburn House Office Bldg, Washington DC 20515

The Honorable Newt Gingrich, Speaker of the House,
     2428 Rayburn House Office Bldg, Washington DC 20515

The Honorable Nancy Kassebaum, Labor and Human Resources Committee,
     302 Senate Russell Office Bldg, Washington DC 20510

The Honorable Trent Lott, Majority Leader,
     487 Senate Russell Office Bldg, Washington DC 20510

The Honorable Thomas Daschle, Minority Leader
     Senate Office Bldg, Washington DC 20510