

At 04:29 PM 08-08-96 -0400, you wrote:
> t L have four grandsons, Gpa-Jack. I was diagnosed as having Parkinson's
about nine years ago. My speech and handwriting were particularly affected
and I soon found myself obliged to retire from my job as teacher of
biochemistry in the University of Dundee, Scotland.

Dear Gpa-Jack. From soon to be Grd-Ma. Mary,
The only thing I find that plays havoc with P.D. is stress. By this I mean
stress to be,to much noise, to many people around, to much stimuli at the
one time of any kind, but particularly audio.  "One thing at a time and
every-things fine" seems to be the golden rule that works for me.  Also I
have a spell when my body dictates it is needed.  Don't push yourself!  I am
dedicated to physical fitness, and have found that when I can't swim and
walk and do my usuall excercise because of a bout of flue or whatever, my
body tells me by all sorts of aches and pains within a very short time.  But
I don't enter the pool in the fast lane these day's.  I keep focus that I am
there for  my health not to break any records.  I think moderation is the
key!  Good luck.
Mary Thompson. [log in to unmask]

>So my question is-
>"What is known about possible factors which speed up the deterioration
arising from Parkinson's and is fairly strenuous exercise likely to be one
of these?"
>I shall be very pleased to hear from anybody who can relate to this one.
>Jack Tibbs([log in to unmask])