

A challange was offered, find a game to be played in a vertual location while
snacking on vertual goodies. Hmmmm.....

Pin the tail on the donkey? Nope, the donkey might get hurt. worse yet,
house broken donkeys are hard to come by.

Cards? Possible, but not enought time to do right by the graphics.
Domminos or a variant there of? Maybe. Have program, but it cheats and have not
found the bug yet.

Spin the.....Not! Must keep it clean and, well, clean.

Sc.....Yes!  Just the thing! Challenging, clean, safe, (no pins pointed at
large objects). Rules are simple. Objects required? Internet access,
Mirc or Ircle or some other program/client which will grant access to an
Server. A web browser such as Netscape or Microsoft Internet Explorer.
Oh yes! Almost forgot! *chuckle* You need the name of the meeting place.

#parkinsons on the Undernet. Gee! Sounds kinda poetic, don't it?

Mind the spelling now. As with getting to Neverland, you must pay attention to
details. Its not #parkysons, or #parknsons, or #parkasons, or #perkinsons, or
#peekinsons, or #porkinsons, or #pickinsons.

One of these might get you envolved with someone who wants to date yer
Another may introduce you to Mr. Park, his son, and thier small business.
Still another may introduce you to a lot of people with parka fixations.
Perky people are greate, but you'll miss the party. Peeking people? The act
or the city? Pork, while nice, cannot be enjoyed by everyone. I'll leave the
last to your
immagination. *grin*

The one you want is #parkinsons, on the undernet, August 20th, starting around
1200, noon Central Standard Time. A little early, or fashionably
late.....your choice.

Now, where did i............?
