

I read the message from the Aussie-wind-surfing-octigenarian-with-PD with some
doubts in my mind as to the legitimacy of it's author actually having PD. (OR
of his wind surfing at 80 + years!)

When he commented upon finding the correct combination of Eldepryl and
chocololate (the latter of which I do know as having a certain medicinal
benefit) and/or some other over-the-counter drug-product in allegedly "curing"
him of PD and enabling him to once again wind surf (COWABUNGA, DUDES!)
<grinning> and drive a stick-shift car, I had my doubts as to him ever having
PD in the first place.

Then, when I saw he was $oliciting for money to carry on his "research," in a
fit of pique I hit the delete key!!   As I watched his message disappear
forever without my having finished reading it, I thought to myself, "this HAS
to be a joke, right?"

Unfortunately, I am NOW very frustrated 'cause I'd have liked to read to the
ends of the message just to SEE if it was indeed some gag played upon us by
one of our members having a 'leg-pulling-session."

Does anyone have a copy of that message they can email to me, or possibly just
tell me if there was a big ol "April Fools" written at the end of the message?
 Is this guy for REAL?? <grin>  And if so, I'd imagine Barb Patterson might be
interested in seeing a message from someone soliciting for bucks pulled from
the list.

Dubiously yours....

Barb Mallut
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