

ignorance is a thing of beauty.  I am out here in Phoenix, the Algeria of
America where it is 112 degrees and the afternoon thermals coming off the
asphalt could propel a lazy condor, signalling a left, all the way to Machu
Picchu before he knew what hit him.  And, after having read the last couple
Parkie digests ...I am pedalling my butt off, smoking double dark Havana
cigars and playing old Elvis songs on my bicycle's bungee corded cassette
recorder.  Then, when I stop at intersections (because like most dorky
Parkinsonians I have this double bladed respect for the law//fear of the
consequences hangup which often makes me break out in pimmples and zazuu
pitts) my head spins around in complete circles while I spew out ASCII
encoded sequences:

         A8B820d0DD f( Fp@@#"

and you know what???  I feel better; I feel like I could go on past Xmas,
just to be a plague and a pestilence upon my children.    Benjamin Franklin
coined the saying "Fish and visitors smell after 3 days".  With Parkinsons,
my motto now is "Don't sniff it!  Just be thankful it's still attached" and
always check for vital body parts after the doing a fast Lambada.

Still looking for games for the VirtualRama (Lama Ding Dong?)

how bout "spin some jail on the honky"?  (an old rap favorite)
           or      "gin and throttle"?  (a game of motor skill played late in
the evenings in Moose Lodge parking lots all over America)
  or mebbe  "pass the orange"?  (what the hell, pass anything?  We Parkies
are such children of the children of the depression that we even keep our
waste for days and days .... or as the old  joke goes Q: how do you know when
you've passed an elephant?    A: you can't put the lid down on the toilet and
the room smells of overripe bananas

 final antidote:  TATTOOS!!!  Dennis Rodman ain't got no Parkinsons!!!
&,  a furtive fade back towards normality .....

cuz there's no place on earth that I'd rather be than here
with my redneck, white sox and blue ribbon beer     :-)


(editorial note:  this outrage may be a result of recent solar storm activity
and should only be expected every 10 or 11 years.  Monsieur Rat is now
sleeping quietly under sedation and light restraints.)