

I've been wondering for awhile--

Is there some magic my bodies discerned in Chocolate, becuz I nearly always
have to have my nightly ice cream with Chocolate Sauce?

I've often supposed to myself that the reason I couldn't smell so good and
had low tolerance for smoke had something to do with my air passages to the
brain.  I know I have a deviated septum, have had sinus problems for years,
and relied on Sudafed and other over-the-counter preparations for maybe 10
years or so to combat pollution-causing stuffiness .  It'd be no wonder that
that "thing-a-ma-gig" in the brain didn't get its full supply of oxygen.

A post on eye problems menti.oned an elongated nerve or tissue.  I've often
tried to "explain"  to my family (who sometimes look at me like I'm nuts--I
am, but only a little), that the Sinemet seems to elongate "things" on my
right side in an unnatural manner.  So while I have a little peddling
apparatus that I can operate while sitting in a chair, I generally feel most
comfortable using this "bicycle-substitute" at night after the effects of the
muscle-relaxing Elavil have taken hold.  Go figure.

Until later, you can put these thoughts in your pipe and smoke it!  (based
loosely on an old Minnesota expression.)

Barbara-Blake Krebs
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