

this is just a test post to see if i can get rid of those=20
darn equal signs and other drivel.  please ignore this:

i just struggled through an almost 'lost' weekend due to the=20
dreaded female/hormone/pd 'freeze-ups'. [i.e. when sinemet=20
mysteriously transforms itself into baby aspirin]=20

and then the recent messages about female hormones have started=20
me digging through the paterson/parkinsn archives for related=20
posts. i've got some going back to dec. 94.=20

i thought i'd post a 'summary thread' of them, since we have so=20
many new members. maybe someone out there will make a connection=20
that will lead to ...?

whaddya'll think?  about the 'summary thread', i mean?  if it's=20
not too long?


i thought these two news reports on the same subject were=20
revealing in their differences.

Post-menopausal estrogen is said to counter Alzheimer's

Copyright =A9 1996
Copyright =A9 1996 N.Y. Times News Service=20

NEW YORK (Aug 16, 1996 2:17 p.m. EDT) -- Taking estrogen after=20
menopause may reduce a woman's risk of developing Alzheimer's or=20
delay onset of the disease, scientists said Thursday.

In a study of 1,124 elderly women being published Saturday in The=20
Lancet, a British medical journal, and announced at a news=20
conference at Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center in Manhattan,=20
researchers found that only 5.8 percent of women who had taken=20
estrogen developed Alzheimer's, compared with 16.3 percent of=20
women who had not used the hormone.

With each passing year of the five-year study, only 2.7 percent=20
of the women who had used estrogen developed Alzheimer's as=20
against 8.4 percent of those who had not used it. Moreover, the=20
longer the women took estrogen, the lower their risk.

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