


I am commenting on the portion of your note to Bob and Philip about
experiencing a better response when changing some CR to regular.  My mom (82
yrs. old, diagnosed 8 years ago with PD) was on Sinemet CR for over 7 years
and began experiencing a lot of fluctuation which included hours of the "off"
periods and tremendous dyskinesia movement.

Last March I took her to Dr. Enrico Fazzini, Assistant Professor of Neurology
and Director of Parkinson's Disease & Movement Disorders at New York
University Medical Center (who also has a question and answer page in the
American Parksinson Disease Association's quarterly newsletter).  He
suggested she take a half tablet of regular Sinemet along with half a tablet
of Sinemet CR three times a day, and an additional regular Sinemet in between
dosages if needed.  What a dramatic improvement!  Unfortunately, the response
differs from day to day and presently she's beginning to experience more
"off" time - which I hope Dr. Fazzini will be able to help us when she visits
him next month.

Regards from the states,