

  Dear Norm.,Several years ago when I was into my more pronounced
alternative medicine stage I was   given the name and number of a mainland
trained Chinese Physician who was not working as a physician in the USA but
rather was "training" at a truely fine Boston Hospital.Apparently he was
moonlighting to make a "few $.Before I saw him I knew that he spoke very
little English, that his fee was $75 per session and that he had treated
people with Parkinson disease previouly.The referral come from a health
therapist I respected greatly; so I thought, may as well give it a try.
When I met him I learned that indeed he spoke very little English except
for his fee--$75-- no credit cards and no checks--cash please.Our lack of a
common language didn't seem to be a problem given that his style was
hands-on and his sad-like shake of his head when he got to my lower
digestive tract spoke a thousand words. Oh oh, I'm in trouble,I thought.He
couldn't give a diagnosis but he did suggest I take some herbs which  he
had available in his black bag.Packages of a hundred or so BB size pellets,
one package to clear out my digestive tract and the other to calm me down.
He must have seen the look on my face when he gave me the price...$20 per
pack and I would need four packs for the week=$80.

     Well I figured in for a dime in for a dollar. I would run it out and
see what came of it.So, I, with considerable trouble swallowing 400-500
pellets ran it out.Ran is the key word here given that my response to the
herbs was a rather extreme case of "the Jonny Green Apple Quick Step".I
went back to him the following week to report my experence.[ By now you
have serious questions about my mental health,Right?].I pressed for a
diagnosis like a true blue Westener and after much thought he said...
"Bad Blood".. but we were out of time.This diagnosis Intriges me because
another family member had been diagnosed with this mysterious diagnoses
some 50 years ago.I think I've tracted down it's meaning but that's another
story .I asked him for another hour the following week but we could uncover
anything else. He suggested some Chinese movement therapy progran. No...not
that kind of movement!

    In general I encourage trying out verious non-traditional treatments
for what ailes you. So I was out $305 and thats a lot of $ for me but I
gained something ....a renewed sense that the answer may be around the next
corner and I will be in good shape to welcome it.Norm,MY only suggestions
for you and your wife are ask for a couple of names of peope he has
treated[one of them should be unhappy with the treatment but willing to
speak with you],check out who he is associated with, sign no
aggrements,don't pay in advance and leave when ever you feel uncomfortable
with him or his treatment.And one other thought.Acupuncture, unlike what
the adds say for it, can be painful. I've tried it and found out that to
stick multiple needles in rigid muscles is painful in contrast with soft
muscles.Iunderstand that a therapist who uses only one trigger point is
less likely to cause pain.

Good luck and let us know how things work out for you two.
     My very best
    George Lussier[[log in to unmask]]

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