

JG - I wrote something about  the PD village concept two-three weeks ago.
 Vern probably has a copy.  I don't keep stuff as I never can find files
anyway.  As well, I was on a PD village tangent over a year ago and generated
a lot of positive feedback.  Of course I don't have that file either.  I'll
bet old John Cottingham would work up a neat folder for us.  I've also been
nagging people in England to send details on their Manchester PD Village -
particularly Simon Coles whose father was involved with the Brit's PD Society
and saw the PD village to fruition.   Simon never answers me as I didn't bow
and scrape in regards Princess Di - who was the PD society's patron, and may
still be. Maybe I'll get in touch with her.

It bothers me that we have five or more PD organizations in the USA and the
PD village concept actually was built and is working in a country with ONE PD
organization.  Go figure!!??

Anybody out there going to the UK this fall?  Might be worth a trip to check
this PD village.

Barbara Yacos, RN
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