

Thank you Sara and Mary Ann for your wonderful tips.  Dad comes home today
after a 10 day hospital stay.  The tube is in place and Mother is spending
the morning at the hospital with the dietician learning how all of this works.
We have had a frustrating week dealing with his internist, always over the
phone, over whether or not he should be in a nursing home before coming
home.  He made the decision without consulting us and threw everyone in a
tizzy.  Many phone calls and heated discussions later, they decided that
he could come home and will have home health care for awhile.  The doctor
laughed at me when I asked him what would happen if we refused nursing home placplacement.  He didn't think it was appropriate for one "geriatric to take
care of another geriatric".  Your advice allowed me to push the other way.
You had reassued me that the PEG was not a major obstacle.  This whole
experience has shown me how easy it is to be pushed around in the system.
We had the advantage of knowledge, but how many others out there don't have
it.  This list is truly a blessing.  Thank you again for sharing your
experiences.  I will let you all know how this progress.  Marcia
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My dad is 79 and  is 9 years into PD