

At 04:54 PM 8/22/96 -0400, you wrote:
>A friend of mine who has had PD for about nine years has been having
>lots of gas in her stomach after eating.  The gas seems to diminish the
>effect of Sinemet, often leaving her quite frozen until it's time to
>take the next dosage.  She had a colonoscopy a few days ago and nothing
>showed up. Has anyone else had a similar experience?
>Joyce Young ([log in to unmask]), PD 9 yrs.
>Dear Joyce,
   The effects of Sinemet vary substantially from person to person, so this
is just a guess. The problem may be gastric emptying, that is, the
medication stays in the stomach for a long while, developing gas while it is
there along with other ingested material. Sinemet in the tummy does nothing
for PD. It has to get into the small intestine to be absorbed.  Solution to
the 'no response' may be in the timing of doseage. Take Sinemet a while
before meals with liquid...maybe a Coke. This may make one feel 'burpy' for
a few minutes but the gas will disappear and the Sinemet should  work. It's
worth a try.