

You think the Coke trick is neat? This worked for me when I had a
blockage in the kitchen. . .

I knew my dishwasher PUMPED its waste water out  into the kitchen sink's
drain pipe. So I ran the DW without dishes but with its detergent and
when it started to drain I plugged up both kitchen sink drains with
whatever was at hand (their "strainers" wrapped in heavy plastic, I
think) and pushed these down tightly when the DW started to drain and
BINGO the blockage was pushed down and the water all went out that had
backed up in the sink earlier.  Now if I could get the DW to operate
on really hot Coke . . . well, I'd SELL the idea!  :-)

Wait a minute, THIS isn't the PlumberMagic hotline!! I'm lost!  Sorry all
you PD guys, whoever you are. Hmmm, what does PD mean?
Plumbing-Disadvantaged? Can you folks help with some advice, ideas, or
- fun!

Uncle David

On Fri, 23 Aug 1996, V. R. Peyton wrote:

> Hi Mary Ann,
> Couldn't resist telling you the same thing works for a slightly stopped up
> plumbing pipe, just pour in the cola & put the stopper in for a few minutes,
> then run hot water through it. (THE PIPE, NOT THE PEG TUBE!) :-)
> Vicki Peyton
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