

My neurologist keeps dancing around the issue of GDNF. As I have stated
before, I believe, due to the static nature of my illness, I really think
that this treatment may be the miracle I have been waiting for- for the past
eight years. Yet, she feels she must keep any information regarding this from
Am I being paranoid?
I know that perhaps she doesn't want to get my hopes up, but if I have
anything to hope for it is this. I wan't so much to go back to the way I was
before, you have no idea. I was just eighteen years old when I was poisoned,
and I had just begun to live. I am not saying that anyone else's P.D. is less
important than mine, because we all have to suffer through the same things.
But most P.Ders have lived a great deal longer than I had before the onset.
And maybe it is insensitive, but you know what, I think I have that right
I am being a crybaby, but no one seems to want to help me.
