

Marcy, and by guilty association, Russ, Andrea, Jack, Susan,
Amanda et al.

I hope the subject line will have alerted most CASSLrs to ignore
this posting. Since my early retirement, I can't hold an academic
thought longer than a sentence in my head. Now that Selzer has
craved in I think it is important that Anthony's supporters be
gracious in victory:

Anthony's calling you (well, imputing) you're a cod is most
unCanadian (since Dukakis, I can't really say what's unAmerican).

Also, my "slicing" threat was in homage to Par(e)ing, an effort
to add humo(u)r to this singularly humo(u)rless campaign. I am
glad it terrified Andrea into supporting Anthony, but I am afraid
you'd already lost her with your idiolectical "look your porches"

And I have buried all thoughts of what is nasty and rhymes with
Selzer; so I shall not cater to Marcy's morbid expectations. Here
is a reconciliating tamer version:

     Marcy's innersenz tellzer
     She ought to be voting wid Selzer
     But his remark re porches ree pelzer
     And Anthony's cuteness jes meltzer.

Andrea ought to be able to tell the very narrow band of lower
east-central Pennsylvania Dutch this attempt replicates. One can
never be too reconciliatory with Selzer.

There is only one false note in those four lines. It's the
reference to Anthony's cuteness. Whatever one of his gushing
supporters may think, I mean, feel (was it you Amanda?),
Anthony's cuteness is entirely ephemeral; it comes within a
catfish's whisker (that's for Selzer) of a Leer (sorry!). But
there is a truth in electioneering fiat I just cannot ignore (and
nobody has called ME cute).
