


---------- Forwarded message ----------

Date: Tue, 17 Sep 1996 00:28:10 -0400
From: Tari Fanderclai <[log in to unmask]>

            Please come to Netoric's Tuesday Cafe Discussion
                            September 17, 1996
                              8:00 p.m. EDT
                 in Netoric's Tuesday Cafe on MediaMOO


                      New Directions in Research

                               To join us:
         Telnet to MediaMOO at 8888
         connect guest OR connect your character if you have one
                             @go Tuesday
                If you're new to Netoric and/or MOOing,
         Netoric's Information and MOOhelpsheet is available from
                         Netoric's Home Page:

          Netoric's home page also has logs of Netoric events!

      At the past few cafes, we've discussed a number of current
      practices in the teaching of computers and writing, questioning
      not only traditional practices such as grades and conventional
      writing assignments, but our current favorites as well, such
      getting rid of grades, trying to engage students by allowing
      them more freedom in their choices of assignments, and
      attempting to use group projects to encourage collaboration.
      One of the problems we noted is that our practices are changing
      so rapidly that we're not always sure where the grounding is or
      what effect those practices are really having on students. At
      this week's cafe, we'd like to talk more about some of the kinds
      of research we've been hinting at.  What can we do to get more
      genuine information about what students are really thinking and
      learning and learning in our current writing classes?  We can
      start with the specific example we discussed briefly a couple
      of weeks ago--the problem of finding out how students are *really*
      responding to group projects and other kinds of collaborations,
      and move on from there.  Maybe we can come up with some specific
      projects some of us should do; maybe we can come up with some
      general principles for new kinds of computers and writing

      Join us at this week's Tuesday Cafe, where you just might find
      your dissertation topic or your next research project waiting
      for you.

      See you at the Cafe!

                      *  *  *  N E T O R I C  *  *  *
           Tuesday Cafe -- Electronic Conferences -- CMC Workshops
      | Tari Fanderclai                 |  Greg Siering               |
      | Boston, MA                      |  Ball State University      |
      | [log in to unmask]               |  [log in to unmask]  |