

On Thu 05 Sep, Joyce Tames wrote:
> Naomi,  I am taking Clozoril for the effects of Parlodel which caused a
> hurtfull period of paranoia.  I take 1 x .25 at 0600 and 2.5 tablets at
> midnight (which helps me slleep  ha ha)   It worked within hours....and Ive
> been on it for at least 16 months.
> It requires a WEEKLY blood test to determine the WBC count.   If that count
> drops rapidly it could cause blood cancer.
> Clozoril is the most controlled drug in America.   The blood test report
> first goes to the perscribing doc > to the RX > the Clozoril Control Center.
> You can get only enough for one week.

> good luck
> Joyce
To: Joyce Tames

Hello Joyce

I was interested in your comment about Parlodel (a trade name for
Bromocriptine) because about 15 years ago my neurologist put me on Parlodel,
(two capsules per day - I think that was 10mg/day),together with Sinemet. For
about 6 months I gradually became more and more paranoid - I believed that my
wife was plotting against me - and so on. The terrible thing about it is
that at the time it all seems so logical.

Luckily I realised what was going on and promptly took myself off the
Parlodel.  I soon returned to normal and was appalled at what had been
happening. I had a few sharp words with my neuro. as well!

Am I correct in assuming frem your Email that you are still taking Parlodel,
and taking Clozoril to counteract the paranoia ?  It sounds like a most
dangerous course to take, particularly as there are better drugs available
(such as Celance (Pergolide, Permax), which have far fewer side

Brian Collins <[log in to unmask]>