

To: Naomi Myer.
Re: Clozaril etc.

Hello Naomi,
            This is getting very complicated. I will try to summarise:
  I wrote to Joyce Tames because we had both suffered paranoia from Parlodel,
taken with Sinemet.

  I took myself off the Parlodel - The paranoia went away, and I turned to
Permax instead of Parlodel. Permax is claimed to produce fewer side-effects,
and I have certainly had no problem with it.

The main point of my writing to Joyce was my concern that she appeared to
suffer paranoia from the Parlodel, and then took clozaril to counteract the
paranoia: It seemed a very dangerous path to me.

On Thu 05 Sep, Naomi Meyer wrote:
> To:  Brian Collins ==
> Re:  Clozaril, etc.  My husband has been on Permax as an agonist along with
> his Sinemet for many years.  Doctors are very vague as to whether this
> contributes to    hallucinations along with the Sinemet.  You're mentioning
> Permax as anti-hallucinatory???  Don't understand.
> Naomi Meyer [log in to unmask]

Brian Collins <[log in to unmask]>