

Hi.  I just saw the tail-end of a report on the morning news from a local
station in Johnstown, PA today.  It was a new surgery for Parkinsons, and I'm
not sure if I heard that this is being done in Pittsburgh, PA or not.  (I'm a
LOT of help, huh!?)  Anyway, it appeared to be like a pacemaker for the brain.
It's not a cure, but it helps control tremors.  Once the thing is implanted,
you pass a small magnet over your chest to adjust it.  (That part I remember.)
The report said that though it isn't a cure, it can help PD patients regain
more normal movement and mobility.  Has anyone out there heard of this?  Have
you already mentioned it and I missed it?  I'm wondering if something like this
could help my 77 year old mom.  Has anyone out there had this done?  Please let
me know.  If this IS something new and we need more information, I'll call the
station and try to get a copy of the report.  Thanks!

Wendy Henry (CG Ruth 77/4+)
Indiana, PA