

Hi to all--

I de-lurk to say thanks to all here for the info I've gleaned. My mom has
PD and my two sisters and I share decisionmaking re: her care.

Briefly, my mom has post-encephalitic PD, is now 72, essentially immobile
except for ability to flex fingers and arms a tad, incontinent x2 but is
very alert and "with it" albeit a lifelong depressive.

Until a spot opens in super nursing homes to which we've applied, she is
"hostage" at a once-excellent facility that has gone downhill concurrent
with her increasing debility over the 8 years she's resided there.

We are currently trying to decide how to treat a pressure sore on her
coccyx. It occurred because of poor nursing care, grew to Stage 4,
became infected, etc., again due to negligence that our complaints,
diligence, resort to state ombudsman intervention, etc., has not much

Currently it's improved to Stage 3 and measures 1"x1.5"x1" deep. We just
had a consult with a plastic surgeon who recommends a flap repair
(pulling muscle/tissue into hole, skin graft to close it) which would
necessitate general anesthesia, a graft-source wound, 3 weeks in hospital
and 1 week in rehab.

In her depleted state (and with a history of neuroleptic malignant
syndrome 2 years ago when nursing home shrink loaded her up with
psychoactive drugs that caused a stupor for which they recommended that we
invoke her living will and not feed her) we are terrified that the
rigors of anesthesia, surgery and recovery are bound to cause more
problems than they fix. Instead we prefer to continue wound care that
encourages the sore to heal to its best ability, then just a simple
closure if the skin hasn't sufficiently re-covered the site.

The doc has intimated that we are doing her a disservice if we don't opt
for the elaborate surgery. In the face of all these factors we agonize
about what's the best =realistic= choice for Mom now and in future for
both general health and quality of life aspects.

Any comments, anecdotes or hard facts anyone cares to share would be
greatly appreciated. My sisters and I thank you in advance!

--ljw                                   [log in to unmask]