

Marty Rose wrote:
> Help!!! Has ANYONE had positive results with Parlodel.  My neuro just
> put me on   it and I am scared to death after reading about all the bad
> side effects here on the list.  Any feed back is appreciated.
> Marty Rose (56)
> PD 5 years diagnosed (4 years + Hindsight)
> Holland Michigan
> [log in to unmask]
> PD

Hi Marty,

I've been on Parlodel for about two months and it has been working for
me. Earlier this week I hit a bump in the road with episodes of
tachycardia (rapid heartbeat) and I was told to stop the Parlodel until
I saw my family doctor. He feels the culprit is Seldane, a med I take
for sinus problems, interacting with the Parlodel and the other rx's I
take. I'm now taking Claritin and have resumed the Parlodel without any
problem so far, although I'm wired to a Holter heart monitor as I write.
Doctor wanted to get a better idea of what the heart is doing over a 24
hour period.

As I've written before...learn all you can and listen to what your body
tells you.

All the best to you.

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             / )|                                         |( \
            / / |"God does not keep us from life's storms,| \ \
          _( (_ | He walks with us through them."         | _) )_
         (((\ \>|_/->_________________________________<-\_|</ /)))
         (\\\\ \_/ /                                   \ \_/ ////)
          \       /  "On the Suncoast of Florida, USA"  \       /
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