

Good day,
        Monica did a good job explaining what SMTP means.  Maybe a bit more
of an explanation concerning Internet protocols might be useful.

At 04:03 PM 9/6/96 -0400, you wrote:
>     SMTP stands for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol.  <---- snip ---->
>     Monica Burke
A protocol is the standard or set of rules that two computers use to
communicate with each other. Also known as a communications protocol or
network protocol, this is a set of standards that assures that different
network products or programs can work together. Any product that uses a
given protocol should work with any other product using the same protocol.

Protocols dictate the "whats" and the "hows" of the various systems on the
Internet. The success of the Internet, its very existence, in fact, depends on
people voluntarily agreeing to configure their hardware and software to the
TCP/IP (Transmisison Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) standard.

How do protocols work? Take FTP (File Transfer Protocol) as an example.
When you contact a computer to download a file, the computers
communicate with each other in a series of pre-agreed-upon rules. The
"conversation" between the computers goes something like this: "I want
that file," "here it comes," "didn't get it, please resend," "here it is again,"
"got it," "goodbye," "goodbye."

SMTP works the same way and sometimes a computer or a server is just cranky
and the "hand shake" fails so the message gets bounced.

One more common protocol, HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol).  This is the
protocol or method by which hypertext files are transferred across the
Internet.  Hypertext files are a way of presenting information in which
text, sounds, images, and actions are linked together in a way that allows
you to jump around between them in whatever order you choose.  You'll see
this protocol on most of the TV advertisements "See our web site at"  Net browsers generally use this protocol most.

I'm done.  This is probably too much but in my view it doesn't hurt to have
a better view of the environment in which we find ourselves.

Take care,
Jeff Jones
part CG for Becky, Seattle, WA.
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