

Hi Wendy Henry

> I just saw the tail-end of a report ... a new surgery for Parkinsons,
> Anyway, it appeared to be like a pacemaker for the brain.
> It's not a cure, but it helps control tremors.  Once the thing is implanted,
> you pass a small magnet over your chest to adjust it.

That sounds like the Pallidal Stimulation or Thalamic Stimulation which
is now being introduced in Europe as a substitue for Pallidotomies and
Thalamotomies. Geert Arien in Belgium (who is in this List) has had it
done, and he is a NEW MAN. Drop him a note at [log in to unmask] and I'm
sure he'll send his write-up to the list.

Nice thing is, it's entirely reversible, unlike Pallidotomy.

Jeremy Browne, Hampshire, UK
[log in to unmask]
Shaking Hands BBS, Fidonet 2:252/160 (+44 1252 626233, also FAX)