

I have been asked by Ivan Susman to post this message .
On Thurs. Sept. 5 there will be a symposium of the American Parkinson's
Disease Association for the Northern New England area.  Key note Speaker is
 Robert Feldman, MD of Boston U.   Kathy Thomas, RN a Parkinson's specialist
nurse from Boston University will also speak.  There will be a harmonica
workshop among other things.  Ivan will run a booth on the Udall Bill to
continue his efforts on behalf of all of us.

Since he is looking into a Pallidotomy, if any one has had a Pallidotomy by
Dr. Lauri Laitinen, Stockholm, Sweden, or has any info, Ivan is very
interested in receiving it.
He is also seeking anyone already involved in a Young Onset (30ish-49ish)
support group who live in any warm climates.

NADH-  If anyone has any info about Dr. Birkmayer  of Vienna, Austria, and
the 900 patients he has on NADH, it would be greatly appreciated.

To send a snail letter write to Ivan Suzman at    9 Range Rd., Portland,
Maine  04103-1135.
To send an urgent message  to Ivan you can send it to me
    [log in to unmask]     and I will forward it to him.  If you want to send
a less urgent message, send it to Ivan at     [log in to unmask]   He will check
his mail box every 10 days at the office of the internet provider company.

Ivan has also asked me to include some personal info about his situation.  He
had to move several times and is in the process of insurance settlement -
possibly till November.
Because of cold Maine winters, he's considering the possibility of moving for
the winter to a hot climate.  Perhaps an individual or Support Group may have
a suggestion.
He also needs:   a good sweater size large;  shirts, size medium to large
with the velcro closings on the sleeves;   a winter coat or jacket size
42-44,  fitted in at the waist;   gloves;  scarf;   wool hat;  and  1 extra
large baseball cap.  Use your judgement.

Ivan will continue to be active as an advocate to push for the funding to
find a cure for Parkinson's. (such as the Udall Bill).  He is very grateful
for all the support he's already received in the form of letters and other
good wishes.