

>Ginny Morgan wrote DAYS ago...
>>Has anyone on the list been using NADH or ENADA for more than 2 months?
>>Kathie Tollifson - are you still pleased with the results you are getting?
>>I also have Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) and could use some better ways of
>>dealing with sleeping and leg cramps. I would appreciate any thoughts from
>Catching up on a large email backlog after a major system crash, sorry for
>slow response. I have been using NADH for over a year now, have never been
>tempted to stop. During my "titrating up" phase I had plenty of starts and
>stops, enough to convince myself that NADH helps me move more fluidly, and
>boosts the sinemet effect, reducing my need for pharmaceutical levadopa.
>ALSO, major plus for me, it helped Restless Legs (a common type of demonic
>medieval torture), and I only gets fits of RL once a week or so, usually
>mild and short duration.
>Recently I have started using Acetyl L-carnitine after a fair amount of
>research, and some preliminary positive test results (mostly for Alzheimer).
>Since it seems to provide energy at the cell level, as does NADH, I cut the
>NADH back to 5 mg/day as I moved the Acetyl L-carnitine up to my present
>1500 mg/day. I think the Acetyl L-carnitine has changed my PD picture more
>than any other supplement to date with the exception of antioxidants at the
>beginning of this "life experiment". I have reduced sinemet by 1/3, and
>entirely eliminated all but the most benign dyskinesia. I have gained 8
>pounds in 6 weeks (unlike my former record of losing 9 pounds in 9 days).
>Needless to say, I am sleeping better. The time period between meds has
>stretched to the point that today, for example, a day off with low demands
>on me, I missed 2 doses (the 3PM & 9PM). I DID NOT skip these doses, I
>MISSED them because I didn't realize that it was pill time! BTW, I am not
>selling this stuff, this is my for- real report, which I have withheld for a
>long time to see if the response remained the same.  It only has deviated
>during one period of intense sustained physical activity, during which I did
>not get quite the stretch between meds.
>I don't know what to make of this, but personally I'm going to subscribe to
>the "if it ain't broke don't fix it" school, and continue merrily along this
>course. If anyone else is using Acetyl L-carnitine, I'd sure like to hear
>about it.
>Kathie Tollifson
>[log in to unmask]

I have been on NADH for seven months, minimum dosage (2.5 mg) daily.  It has
cleared the "foggy mind" most dramatic when medicine was not delivered on
time.  Five days without meds gave me "foggy mind" again.  Due to some other
problems I have not increased the dosage, but I won't live without, also
lowered Sinemet requirement.  Will fill you in with other details in the
future, thanks for the message