

At 06:22 AM 9/9/96 -0400, synonyme wrote:
>Hello everybody
>My name is Olivier Six, and I live in France.
>More precisely, I'm french : I may from times to times express myself
>quite uncorrectly. Please be sure no harm is meant, i'm more used to
>write in french...
>I'm not affected with PD, but my father is.
>Actually, that what we all thought, including his doctors,
>Then came the big news : a new doctor, and then another stated my
>father wasn't affected with PD, but whith "Parkinson PLUS". No one
>could exactely tell us what it is.
>The symptoms get worse : he keeps falling here and there, he has
>tremendous difficulties to stand up, but still no tremors.
>Some more help : my father contacted some parkinsonian groups, and
>soon decided they were uninteresting (soft version...)
>So now he is alone, and keeps boasting he carries a gun for the day he
>won't be able to stand up again.
>I hope I didn't depress any reader.
>So now what can we do ? What can he do ? Is there anything to do ?

Hello Oiliver,
Welcome to the group!  I never have tremors unless I'm under a lot of stress
& I have
trouble with my balance also--and I stopped Deprenyl (Eldepryl in the U.S.)
for the
same reason your Father did.  I don't feel like tempting fate!!!

I'm going to let someone else explain "Parkinson's Plus" to you, but the
suggestion I have,
since I have been through almost the samething (I have managed to miss the
"Black Mood"
part of Parkinson's) is that you get your Father a wheelchair.  You didn't
mention if he is in
a wheelchair.  It will make his life much easier & yours also.
I only use my wheelchair part time & maybe your Father could do the
samething.  After a
while you get used to it & it really gives you a lot of freedom since you
don't have to be
alert to falling.  Not being able to stand up is not the end of the world,
as there are MILLIONS
of people in this world who can't, but are very happy just to be alive.
I'm so sorry that your Father can't feel that way.
May God bless you & keep you--I know what a trial this will be for you!!

As ever,
Blessings to all ,  Marjorie L. Moorefield--
Internet Communications of America, Inc.