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"Deep Brain Stimulation" Stops Parkinson's Tremors

WESTPORT, Sep 09 (Reuters) - The Baylor College of Medicine
reports that deep brain stimulation appears to be effective in
halting Parkinson's disease tremors.

The technique, in trials at Baylor and other U.S. medical centers,
consists of implanting an electrode into the thalamus, according
to Dr. Richard Simpson of Baylor. Various frequencies are
transmitted to the electrode until one is found which stops the
tremors. The transmitter, set to the appropriate frequency, is
implanted above the breast, and the transmitter frequency can be
changed if the tremors return.

Dr. Simpson reports that, although the procedure has been used in
Europe for several years, "...we don't have data to show how long
the effects will last."

-Westport Newsroom 203 221 7648

Copyright =A9 1996 Reuters Limited.

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