

On Mon 09 Sep, Charles T. Barasch wrote:
> I've had positive experience with Parlodel.  Although at first I did feel
> some vertigo when I stood up quickly, that has gone away.  I'm now taking
> 15 mg/day.  I increased the dose gradually, beginning with 2.5 mg and
> increasing by that amount each week.  It's helped a lot with my symptoms;
> before taking it I could hardly roll over in bed, dress myself or eat
> soup, and I'm quite functional with the Parlodel.  A few months ago I
> actually went up to 30 mg./day and was only taking Parlodel and eldepryl;
> I did find that was too much and I was feeling a little whoozy.  For now
> I'm doing well on 15 mg./day Parlodel, plus eldepryl and amantadine 2X/day,
> and I'm doing okay. I'm trying to hold off on sinemet.  I took it for a
> while and did not like the dyskinesia.
> Charlie Barasch
> Plainfield, VT

Hello Charlie,

              You may have read about my problems with Parlodel, but I do not
regard that as grounds for telling you what you should and should not take. I
am sure that many sufferers are deriving comfort from Parlodel. What I would
suggest ( and this is really what this list is all about, I think) is that you
recognise the possibility that Parlodel can affect the mind in subtle ways,
and make sure that not only you, but those close to you are aware of the

One other point: If you tried Sinemet and suffered diskinesia then you were
almost certainly given too much.  Sinemet has its own tricks to play on the


Brian Collins <[log in to unmask]>