

Please keep up the phone calls to Bilirakas and Bliley. The Senate
looks very positive right now but the house still needs encouraement.
A soft posture , that recognizes the minority view, on use of
elective aborted fetal organs is the one remaining road block to HR
1462 sailing through the House. Even though the bill is silent on
this issue, there is a small minority that can't separate the
abortion issue from the organ transplant (fetal tissue) issue. The
possibility of a floor debate could prevent the House from doing its
job of representing the majority of their constituents. Congressman
Bilirakis is in that minority. If the house fails, we still may
succeed through a process called conference where the Senate and
house members come together to iron out differences. This conference
would be on the Senate version of the NIH Reauthorization Bill which
currently contains the Parkinson request for $80 million.

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