

Brian.. this list IS on "Internet signposts" all over the virtual world!
It's evne listedin the very special list that shows only the 300 (out of
almost 9000!!!) lists that haave over 1000 subscribers.

HEY.. that 300 list is quiite an entity in it's OWN right!   LOTSA terrific
listserv groups listed!!  There are some lists with in excess of 60,000
subscribers (and one with 179,000!!!) If anyone on our list is interested in
checking it out,  the URL is:

And if ya run into any problems do a search for "CataList." (without the

Barb Mallut
[log in to unmask]

From:   PARKINSN: Parkinson's Disease - Information Exchange Network on behalf
of Brian Collins
Sent:   Wednesday, September 11, 1996 4:25 AM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        Re: Usenet alternative

Subject:Usenet or Listserv

To: Jeff Jones  <[log in to unmask]>

Hello Jeff, and thanks for your answer to my cry for help

When I first joined the Internet (Only 3 months ago) I subscribed to quite
a number of newsgroups before inadvertantly typing 'parkinsn' during a
search and finding out about this list. Since then, I have progressively
reduced the number of newsgroups that I subscribe to, until I am
currently monitoring one newsgroup ( Dealing with my computer).

The reason for deleting all the others was always the same: The volume of
postings was too high, and 95% of it was sheer drivel. It took too much
of my time to sort out the good 5%, so I got out. I would hate to see
this very special list degenerate to the same level.

The one point with which I have to agree is that as a closed list, the
existence of the list may be unknown to many potential members (Unless
they are as bad at typing as I am). Is it possible to leave some sort of
a signpost in the usenet listings proclaiming our existence? i.e. some
sort of advertising to spread the word.

Brian Collins <[log in to unmask]>