

Thanks Margaret for your posting:

Before Joyce had her Pallid., I checked with her insurance co to determine
coverage and the determination was "that since this was still experimental
and investigational coverage would be denied"  HOWEVER,  "you can appeal this
decision to the medical board of directors"

I have been accumulating printed materials in support of my case but still
feel this is insufficient to convince them to change their decision.

Yesterday, Joyce visited her neuro,  a very well known medical personality in
the world of PD.  I mentioned this to him again and he winced at the decision
emphatically stating that "this procedure is now   standard operating
procedure  for the relief of certain PD symptoms"   "It is being done
routinely in hundreds of hospitals worldwide"

He agreed to pursue my claim on my behalf and thereby on behalf of many
others Pallidotomy patients who have been or are being denied coverage.

Anyone financially interested in the matter here in the states should push
their neuros to write letters containing factual statements supporting the
legitimacy of this procedure.

Again Margaret thanks.
