

Your roving reporter has been to the village to investigate the rash of
returned messages suffered by list members and most of them with' PD
village' in the subject line.Naturally his first port of call was the
Parkinson Arms where over a frothing pint of Bard's bitter he listened to
the latest gossip for which the 'On Bar'is renowned.Well as you know
computers are discouraged in the village but lots of people have them just
like people used to have forbidden radios in occcupied Europe during the
second World war.Everybody knows that they have them because they don't
bother to draw the curtains(drapes) and post midnight or early morning warm
glows can often be seen through the pretty little cottage windows.Well
apparently one of the members of the management committee( not called 'hard
Sam' for nothing) was getting really annoyed about recent internet publicity
and  got his son 'Nerdy Ned' who is a real computer wizard to design a sort
of virus which would interfere with any PD village E-mail.Nerdy Ned dreamed
up an electronic version of the BSE (mad cow) bug which is not even a virus
but a Prion( a sort of a bit of a protein which has gone wrong) which has
been fairly effective in interfering with communications;however counter
intelligence is already believed to have found an antidote.Mind you this is
all gossip and you don't have to believe a word of it.Monica Burke suggested
that voodoo might be the cause- unlikely in the UK but it could be witchraft
which was very common in this part of England with lots of burning at the
stake.On this happy note I will dispatch this E mail on my palm top cleverly
concealed in  within a hollowed out book and cunningly use the heading
'village' instead of PD village which will hopefully outwit the Prion and
enable my readers to enjoy the latest GOSSIP.

'Another pint of Bard, please Millie' (Millie the bargirl is blonde, buxom
and very warm hearted)