

Hello everyone,

Its been a while since I spoke with you.  I have been keeping up with
everyone.  Just to review I'm 39, PD 5, 25/100 Sinimet CR 4x, Permax .25
mg 6x, Eldepril 5mg 1x, and Amditriptuline 10mg 3x at bedtime.  I'm
writing from work so pleas excuse the spelling and the dosage, I may
have the decimal in the wrong place.  I have a wife and a 4 yr old son,
both remind me daily, in thier own way, why I am lucky to be alive

My question to the group is has anyone thought of setting up a Usenet
for Parkinson?  I am new to the Usenet, if one is available, please tell
me.  If not why would we not want it?

This is by no means a reflection of Barbara Patterson and the U. of T.
I have the highest regards for them.  They do a lot of work in the
backgroun just ot keep this forum up and running.  It's just a thought
that might improve the way we communicate with each other.