

You wrote:
>I have been taking 20 mg. of Prozac daily for nearly two years.  Until
>recently, I felt that the medication was quite helpful in stabilizing
>what dosage of Prozac others with PD are on.  If you take Prozac, I
>would very much appreciate knowing the dosage.

>Many thanks.
>George L. Bousliman

>Age 55 (diagnosed in 1987)
>[log in to unmask]
I too have taken it for 2  years or so.    ALso I don't get the buzz
(faster thinking and movements)  that I did before.  I just got a RX
for 10 mg pill once a day in the early pm along with my other capsule.
Haven't tried it yet.  Supposedly people take up to 80 mg /day.
Interactions of Prozak with other drugs, ESP Eldepryl are matter of
concern.  Let me try another spe+ 11lling:  Deprenyl?  Selegeline.

Allan Netick  (DX 1989  age 59