

Hi everyone,

                                                I experienced some problems with my computer lately and i lost
some files on my disk . There is a woman of 41 years old from Germany
who wrote to me with two children as i remember it. Please contact me
again via the list or directly to me. Also a couple of days ago aa man
talked about taking chinese herbs. He was more specific by naming some
of them. Can somebody recall?,Please let me know.

                                                I sent a message to the list a couple of days ago, guess it did
not make it. I had acouple of questions for you guys. How long does it
take for a Permax to work from the time you take it to the time you
start feeling something. Secondly as a Canadian what would be the best
way to help for the passing of the Udall Bill? . And last where can i
get NADH in the Montreal area?.

                                                        Thank you so much for your help

Denis Rocheleau
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