

        At 07:25 AM 9/11/96 -0400, you wrote:
>Subject:Usenet or Listserv
<---- snip ---->

>The one point with which I have to agree is that as a closed list, the
>existence of the list may be unknown to many potential members (Unless
>they are as bad at typing as I am). Is it possible to leave some sort of
>a signpost in the usenet listings proclaiming our existence? i.e. some
>sort of advertising to spread the word.
>Brian Collins <[log in to unmask]>

There's nothing wrong with posting a message in any newsgroup stating that
the PD Listserv exists.  The only caution I'd give would be to pick medical
or health related newsgroups only.  This to limit the risk that folks who
aren't concerned with PD but just want a soapbox of subscribing.  I suspect
that small statements on web pages advertising the PD Listserv would be as
effective.  It's rather tough to accidently visit a PD page so we would have
greater assurance that folks on the list really are concerned with the
designer disease called parkinsons.  All this wonderfulness, however, is not
mine to decide, but rather should be a decision agreed to by the list in

Brian, does this help?

Jeff part time CG for Becky
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