

Hello folks,

First I must say again what a wonderful job you NPWPD [Net people with PD]
are doing.  You provide information, care, sympathy and really practical
advice.  Without this net there would be so many of us isolated in our own
worlds struggling to cope. It IS like a large family and this was brought
home to me when I realised how upset I became when I heard about Alan
Bonander's death.  I had corresponded with him privately but, considering we
had never met and that I had only recently known him, my deep sorrow took me
by surprise.

However, I think you could say as far as the group is concerned that, "The
whole is greater than the sum of the parts". I am sure you must be aware of
the vital role you play but maybe it is worth reminding you from time to
time.  As a relative newbie to the group and to Parkinsons (2yrs 9m diag) I
cannot yet contribute as much as most of you but am learning and no doubt
will be able to contribute more as time passes.

Because of all the above, it makes me mad  [and is bad for my PD] when the
criticism comes in about the NET [mainly from people who don't even know
what it is]  because of SOME of the misuse to which it is put.  What if we
had banned automobiles because they were used by gangsters in the early
days, banned telephones because criminals used them to communicate, banned
video cassette recorders because some people were watching banned
videos,....not to mention video cameras and the humble kodak box camera for
the same reasons.  Grrrr,  feel a shake coming on!

Enough of that here is the newspaper report I read which I thought was funny
and should encourage anyone who thinks they can't cope. I have given it my
own title.


Jose Pinto has driven to work through Madrid's chaotic traffic every day for
three years, in spite of being 95% blind.  He was finally stopped by police
after his employers, Spain's National Organisation for the blind, tipped
them off.  Mr Pinto's method was to avoid shapes and shadows.

All for now, hope it raised a smile,


Ernie Peters ([log in to unmask])