

Hello to Jeff and all,

Jeff Jones wrote:

> >Subject:Usenet or Listserv
> There's nothing wrong with posting a message in any newsgroup stating that
> the PD Listserv exists.
> I suspect that small statements on web pages advertising the PD Listserv would be as
> effective.

That's a good idea and makes sense, but not everyone has a web page, we
all DO use email. And probably send to more than just this list.

This seems like a good time to share a recent experience I've had. I
posted the following mention of the PD List in a message on a list
TOTALLY unrelated to PD.

  "This was my observation. I belong to the Parkinson's Disease
    Exchange Network list (because I have PD) which is on the University
    Toronto's server. There are 1300+ participants and the information
    invaluable. It's very active. Like an ongoing online

I was using this list as a positive example. This casual mention has
prompted two inquiries. I sent them, what I hope is the correct,
information to subscribe. (For the life of me I couldn't find the new
info after the Listserv change. Could it be posted again, or
periodically as a "Tell your friends about...." type message, similar to
the CARE list postings.) Anyway, I think this shows what could be
accomplished, accidentally =), if all 1300 of us did this...or added a
signature line about PD to all our messages.

> It's rather tough to accidently visit a PD page so we would have
> greater assurance that folks on the list really are concerned with the
> designer disease called parkinsons.

Both of the inquiries I received were in behalf of relatives with PD. If
we're going to actually BE "Invisible no more!" it makes sense to make
PD part of what we say and/or do. WE know about PD, most people don't.
All of the recent publicity has served to help make the public MORE
aware than ever before. Now would be the time to increase and heighten
that awareness and then keep the ball rolling.

> All this wonderfulness, however, is not mine to decide, but rather should be a > decision agreed to by the list in general.

As one of those "in general" I believe in the old axiom "If it ain't
broke, don't fix it!". The PD list is a practical, useful, supportive,
kind, friendly, caring community of people with mutual concerns. It's
also in the best known, easiest, most user friendly environment on the
Internet for novice or expert to access. Why make it more complicated or
difficult? Some of us have trouble remembering how to turn the computer
on in the morning. We need LESS stress, not more. {:0

There's more I was going to say, but I forgot what it was while I
stopped to think about how to say it. Could be the good Lord telling me
I've already said more than enough for now.

Gaylon 56/18
              _  _________________________________________  _
             / )|                                         |( \
            / / |"God does not keep us from life's storms,| \ \
          _( (_ | He walks with us through them."         | _) )_
         (((\ \>|_/->_________________________________<-\_|</ /)))
         (\\\\ \_/ /                                   \ \_/ ////)
          \       /  "On the Suncoast of Florida, USA"  \       /
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