

I really enjoy cooking, cooking shows and books - and as a stress reliever I
have become addicted to the Food TV network - What, you may ask does this
have to do with PD?

One of the chefs, on "Cooking Right", recommended some books by an author
that lived in Northern California, near to him.  So I borrowed 2 of the
books from the library, only to find that her last book, on life, gastronomy
and etc, was written at the end of her life while she struggled with PD and
the difficulties in writing her book and living her life!   It seems that
this disease is popping up every where in my life!

Anyway, the books are good, and I recommend them to cooks - and her last
book to anyone with PD.

Last House: Reflections, Dreams and Observations 1943 - 1991 (This is her
last book)
With Bold Knife and Fork  (A good read for people interested in cooking)

Sara Byron, daughter of Richard - 79 yrs old, PD since 1969