

Marty, I was put on Bromo (parlodel) when it was still experimental about 4
years ago.   At that time I was either on Eldepryl or Artane and made the
change under strict supervision over a ten day period at Columbia Pres.
Hospital in NYC.

Not remembering the exact dates,  some short time afterwards I began to think
that there were certain forces (no details to be published here) working
against me. It was VERY real for me.   It became an obsession and somehow I
managed to keep it under wraps so noone knew my anxieties.   Eventually it
surfaced and grew more macabre and the circle of people involved grew.
  Since my husband was at the center of my paranoia and my target, our lives
suddenly turned into trouble.

Without relating more unnecessary details my lucky day came when my dear
hubby reached his limit and threatened to commit me if I didnt seek
"qualified" help.

Luckily, my neuro works with a therapist familiar with movement disorders and
the related meds etc.   IMMEDIATELY, I was hospitalized and started on

THANK G D FOR THAT DAY.....when my life come bac and our lives came together
again.    Ive been on Clozoril now for about two years...  I realize you all
asking how come if the Parlodel caused so much pain I was not removed from

I can only say that my meds consist of Sinemet 25 + CR 50 + Permax and
I ve undergone a Pallidotomy and my PD is now only in my stiff and sometime
freezing legs.   I am reducing the Parlodel and the CR on a regular ten day
rotation and Im down about 30% of pre pallidot. levels.   My clozoril will be
reduced slowly, I take a total of 3.5 x .25 a day.

Choose the best PD neuro you can and work together, be fully tuned to your
body and its cycles and response times and if your on Bromo instruct someone
close to watch for "strange" behavorial patterns.

Good luck to you and dont hesitate to ask anything about PD or related
matters here on the list...its the greatest assembleage of PD knowledge ever
put together in one spot.
