

                                 RTK.NET Mail 203045   Sep  7 00:32:19 1996
Joyce wrote:
<Just thought I'd pass along some ENCOURAGING info my husband received
<while talking to Scott Klug, Representative from WI, at a fund-raising
<last week.  Klug felt quite positive that the Udall Bill would get out
<of committee and pass in both houses. This is especially interesting
<since he is on the committe in the House that can bring the Bill to the
<floor.  Klub felt there was a lot of interest in it, and was pretty
<optimistic about its passing.
<After hearing this news I allowed myself a few cartwheels and some
<excited girlish squeals: "Do you think it's going to pass?  Really?
<Truly?" but then sobered up quickly.  Realist that I am, I know this is
<only one lawmaker's opinion. BUT it IS good to know that the prevailing
<mood is growing  more positive all the time.
<Joyce Young 53 with PD 9 years

Joyce, Since Klug signed on fairly recently and he's on Commerce, it's
really exciting to hear this news.  In the July crash lobby, we were
starting to get the feeling that legislators were beginning to think
that something had to happen with the Udall bill this congress, and it's
good to hear that others are feeling that way.

What you and your husband did at that dinner is very important.  We need
to bring up the Udall bill in as many settings as possible.  See if your
legislator is holding any public forums or attending dinners you can get
to (everyone here, not just Joyce).

A fairly small group is going to D.C. next week.  Monday would be a good
time to call Senate Appropriations committee members asking them to
keep the importance of Parkinson's disease research in mind as the Labor-
HHS Appropriations bill goes into mark-up next week (I believe the
mark up starts on Tuesday).  Calls to Lott and Daschle's office asking
them to schedule the NIH Revitalization Act for immediate action are also

Good job, Joyce, and everyone else who is out there working for Udall in '96!

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