

Hey Stephen H..... glad to see ya made it here!

To ALL:  Stephen logged onto the forum I host on The Microsoft Network (the
"Chronic Disease & Disorders Forum") with a number of questions which I felt
our Listserv group might be able to answer for him...  As you can see from his
correspondence, his condition IS  a bit different than most of ours, but
hey... if ANYBODY can enlighten Stephen, THIS group can!

Don't let me down folks... especially after the big build-up I gave ya all
with Stephen! <smile>

Barb Mallut,
[log in to unmask]

From:   PARKINSN: Parkinson's Disease - Information Exchange Network on behalf
of Stephen Howell
Sent:   Friday, September 13, 1996 5:38 AM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN

SUBSCRIBE parkinsn Stephen Howell

This is a message I posted to the drugs side effects BBS of the health forum
on MSN.

I am relieved, I was hoping that someone out there knew what I was talking
about, having chronic side effects without anyone knowing what they are
exactly is quite frightening. I have tried other various drugs but all major
tranquillizers can cause parkinsonism to some degree, e.g. I have been
prescribed Chlorpromazine, Trifluroperazine, Thioridazine, Pimozide and god
knows how many others ( I can only remember their names because of the
dreadful reactions I had to them). The problem is that I originally developed
a psychotic illness along with depression and in order to control those
symptoms I had to be put on some form of major tranquillizer, flupenthixol was
the only one they could find which did not produce chronically debilitating
side effects as the others (even though they are still pretty bad). I guess
you could say that im in a catch 22 situation. I did read something about the
drug blocking dopamine receptors in the brain ( or something like that) this
can increase muscle tension to a high degree and can also cause a tremor (in
severe cases), the others I went on caused a neck spasm similar to dystonia,
not nice :-(

PS. The psychosis was (according to my Psychiatrist) caused by drug abuse. I
experimented with the street drugs Cannabis and LSD about two years ago
ironically to celebrate the end of my GCSE exams (as we call them in the UK).
I was only 16 and didn't know what I was messing with. The psychotic symptoms
seem to have dissappeared but im wondering if the cause of my unpleasant
bodily sensations maybe a long term result of the abuse of these drugs and not
side effects of my medication. I didn't know what was in the stuff I took and
wonder if there could have been a harmful substance in the drugs which made
things worse. I did only take LSD once but have been told that it can have
long term effects after one dose :-(.

 All of the above was posted and I was advised to contact the parkinsns list
serve group.

