

Hi Jacob
> I'm not taking pergolide at this time. However, I know that this drug can
> cause hypotension in even the most healthy patients. I have been on Pergolide
> (Permax), before, and this is one of the reasons I'm not taking it anymore. I
> am on an extremely small dose of Parlodel right now, and am finding that this
> dopamine agonist is much easier on my heart than Permax, although I know it's
> not supposed to be quite as effective.

I'm just going off Pergolide in favour of trying Ropinirole/Requip. My
first choice was Entacapone or Tolcapone, but they are still on clinical
trial in UK, as yet. Requip has JUST been released. We shall SEE what
the results are when I start taking it!

Best regards
Jeremy Browne, Hampshire, UK
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Shaking Hands BBS, Fidonet 2:252/160 (+44 1252 626233, also FAX)