

                           Subject:                         Time:   1:15 PM
                           Micrographia                     Date:   9/17/96

There has been some dicussion lately on the list about difficulties with
handwriting. Unfortunately I get to deal with this challenge on virtually a
daily basis. I have been successful at mitigating some of the difficulties and
I thought I would share them.

I'm a 34 year old professional working full-time. I attend a lot of meetings
and perform inspections - all of which requires me to take notes, a lot of
notes. Since there is no way that I can keep up with the pace with my writing,
I have been using a small tape recorder (dictaphone) to record the important
points. Later at my own pace I transcribe the notes for my file, either on
paper or on the computer. This has worked great, for the most part. There have
been a few awkward moments when I have to turn away from the group to whisper
into my  machine. The simple explanation that "I'm having some difficulty
writing" seem to put everyone at ease - people get very uncomfortable around
tape recorders.

I have even found dictation to be useful for taking directions over the phone
( people think you are just repeating the message for accuracy), making up a
grocery lists, etc. Of course it can't take the place of handwriting. I
recently bought a new car. I thought I would never make it through the

Since typing is also giving me a tough time (I type with one hand) and it is
part of my job, my employer investested in dictation software for my computer.
It is rather expensive, but is cheaper than hiring a new secretary. The
software types faster than I typed even before PD. This technology is rapidly
improving and falling in price. I anyone else using dictation software?

Just though I'd share this with you...

Rick Barrett
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Sunnyvale CA