

On Tue, 17 Sep 1996, Ernie Peters wrote:

> I am having a frustrating period and wondered if anyone has experienced
> similar symptoms to mine.
> Now here is the part that prompted the title and on which I would be
> grateful for your comments and experiences because it is really getting to
> me.  I can hardly write AT ALL when really "off" and struggle like mad to
> get one signature on paper. The actual writing is VERY tiny and painfully
> slow to perform.  But, at the same "off" time I can throw and catch a ball,
> handle a cup and saucer and even swing a golf club and connect properly with
> the ball.  All these last examples can be carried out in a way that would
> not suggest I had a problem to an onlooker or even myself.
Ernie: many of us with Parkinson's Disease share the same symptom you
write about.  I can presently handle large muscle movements such as
swinging a golf club but have trouble with writing.  If you have tremor
in your writing hand you will also likely have difficulty writing with
letters getting smaller and smaller and less and less legible. This is
known as micrographia.
I have been able to purchase an aid called a "pencil grip" which is a
rubber-like, triangular tube in which you insert your pen or pencil.
This device enables you to get a better grip on the pen and write more
  Sid Roberts   66/dx2
  [log in to unmask]       Youngstown, Ohio