

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 1996 18:42:17 -0700
From: Bernard Barber, Ph.D. <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: A very nice welcome
>Dear Barb,
>Thanks for your warm and informative letter. I am a 67 yr. old psychologist,
>who through a series of events found myself doing geriatric psychology. Half
>of my patient population is over 90, ( 92.93,94, 96, and 98,) the other
>half, younger , 85 - 90. So in this group I'm the kid. I do this on a
>part-time basis. I find it most challanging, demanding, exhausting and at
>times depresssing. I started my interest in PD as a result of some of my
>patients having such. I found no support group at the care center I am at,
>besides I needed a "hook" to get folks involved with their own lives. Hence,
>we started a self support  group. We have 5 members and we meet, without me,
>every week for an hour and a half. I share stuff from the internet with
>them, we have one lady who has had PD for about 14 years, so she is our
>informal leader. Feedback I get is great. Our belief is the PD is not for
>the weak, the dependent, the passsive etc. It is a condition that demands
>involvement and work. We also have exercise classes during the get togethers
>and folks are encouraged to do this the rest of the week on their own. I
>hope to learn a lot from my subscribing to the PD list.
>Thanks again,