

Bryce Jones writes:
> My mother's Parkinson's doctor has recently prescribed
> a drug named Cogentin (or Benzotropin Mesylate) (spelling
> may be wrong) to go along with the sinemet she is taking.
> Apparently the Cogentin is to ease tremors and rigidity.
> What can someone tell me about the drug?  Is it one of the
> agonist class?  What type of side effects are typically felt?
> Is nausea a problem with it for many?  Thanks.
> Bryce Jones

Anticholinergic medications / Cogentin / benztropine mesylate
Indications: Cautions: Contra-indications: as for Benzhexol
Hydrochloride, but causes sedation rather than stimulation.
parkinsonism; drug-induced extra-pyrimadal symptoms (but not tardive
Cautions: cardovascular disease, hepatic or renal impairment; avod brupt
discontinuation of treatment (!! - Jeremy); liable to abuse; interactions -
DRIVING - May affect performance of skilled tasks
Contra-indications: untreated urinary infection, closed-angle glaucoma,
gastro-intestinal obstruction
Side-effects: dry mouth, gastro-intestinal disturbances, dizziness,
blurred vision; less commonly urinary retention, tachycardia,
hypersensitivity, nervousness, and with high doses in susceptible
patients, mental confusion, excitement, and psychiatric disturbances
which may necessitate discontinuation of treatment.

That's it! Sounds a bundle of laughs - NOT!

Jeremy Browne, Hampshire, UK
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Shaking Hands BBS, Fidonet 2:252/160 (+44 1252 626233, also FAX)